Highlights of 2018
2018/12 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client Rabobank.
2018/12 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client KPMG.
2018/11Kiss All Hipsters winter edition flyer design.
2018/10 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client PwC.
2018/09 Animation showing the login process with a drivers license and Digi D, commissioned by RDW
2018/09 Photographic design to be displayed on the cover of Daniel Leberg’s dissertation booklet; The moving parts: screen acting and empathy.
2018/08 Two short ‘China’ flash animations, commissioned by FCFilm
2018/07 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client T-Mobile.
2018/06 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client ASML.
2018/06 Kiss All Hipsters summer edition flyer design.
2018/05 Poster design ‘The Best of Vondelpark 2018, commissioned by Vondelpark Ondernemingsvereniging.
2018/05 China – Netherlands flash animation shorts commissioned by FCFilm.
2018/04 Illustrative logo design for ‘de Klos’ Utrecht.
2018/04 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for client FMO.
2018/03 Vintage poster design Bravoure by Circus Snor.
2018/03 Flyer design for the ‘Kinderkaravaan’ Utrecht.
2018/02 Trademark icon design (material neutral usage), commissioned by Closing the Loop.
2018/02 Kings night abri poster design Kiss All Hipsters, Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht.
2018/01 CTL’s One-for-One proposition Infographic for clients NS, Gemeente Utrecht en Scholten Awater.
2018/01 Catalogue design ‘Mitos del Amazonas’ drawings by Abel Rodríquez at Christie’s Amsterdam, commissioned by Bergman & van Laake.
2018/01 Self initiated project ‘Necklines’ to be launched soon.
2018/01 Designed a fully isometric graphic titled ‘Memory Platforms’ to be displayed on the cover of a good’s friend dissertation booklet.