

Sylvia van Schie (1986) is an Amsterdam-based illustrator

“Drawing is the discipline by which I steadily discover the world. I experience this concentrated observation to be the most luscious feeling there is.”

After finishing high school (core fields: French language, art and music) Sylvia continued studying French language in Paris and fell in love with the city and its art collections. Overly inspired she returned home and applied for Minerva Art Academy Groningen. Four years later she graduated cum laude with a specialization in illustration and a minor in graphic design. In 2010 she started her own design studio, which has now grown into a thriving ‘métier’ with an expanding number of loyal clients.

In the past Sylvia has worked on several large projects including a 5 minute musicvideo animation, illustrative prints for a clothing brand, infographics, explanimations, isometric artwork, cover and interior artwork for multiple book publishers, educational MOOCs and many private initiatives including the ‘silly moments’ series which are available in stores.

Sylvia knows how to get to the essence of ideas and helps clients to get their goal(s) clear and transparent. Specialties are her drawing skills, digital design, creative approach and the ability to oversee assignments with tight budgets and timelines.



One of those moments..

The Silly Moments series is a self initiated ongoing project which Sylvia started in 2011.


Information design

Explanimates is a data visualization studio specialized in explainers and infographics. 


Autonomous works

This website mainly features Sylvia’s self initiated (older) projects.


De communicatie was altijd goed, Sylvia en Iris begrepen ook goed wat onze ideeën en verwachtingen waren op basis van het eerste gesprek en de toegestuurde informatie en hebben alle tussentijdse feedback naar tevredenheid opgepakt. Met een mooi eindresultaat als gevolg! Dus hopelijk tot een volgende keer!”
Sarah de JongPolicy advisorUniversity of Amsterdam


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